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Advertising Express Magazine:
Test Marketing with a Twist

When one speaks or thinks of test marketing the only thing that comes to mind is that a new idea, product or servicebefore being released into the worldis introduced on a testing mode. This is the preset notion that most people share about test marketing. But do we need to confine our understanding to this notion alone? Why not try to think out-of-the-box? The present article attempts to toy with a slightly different viewpoint. It deals with the concept of test marketing as the testing of the usage of a concepta concept of carrying out a consumer survey in a small market first to test the efficacy and feasibility of carrying out the same consumer survey on a Pan Indian scale. This article, thus, deals with test marketing and its usage in the service industry.


Have you ever thought what artists do? Well, they make models of reality that are more beautiful than reality itself in order to make our existence endurable. However, as Michelangelo once said, "A man paints with his brains and not with his hands." Moreover, a modeler of reality is an artist with constraints. A Japanese proverb says, "Thinking without action is a daydream. Action without thinking is a nightmare." Therefore, there are two kinds of failures: Those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought. Realization of the fact that "Time is Money" in business activities can be very vital, applying to a wide range of managerial decisions successfully where time and money are directly related.

In making strategic decisions under uncertainty, we resort to making forecasts (we all make forecasts at one time or the other). We may not think that we are forecasting, but our choices will be directed by our anticipation of results, our actions or inactions. Someone, somewhere very rightly pointed out, indecision and delay are the "parents of failure". Managers and administrators, thus, need to do the job of anticipating and, hence, a better job of managing uncertainty is called for by using effective forecasting techniques. This precisely is the need for forecasting. When one is pondering over forecasting and the need for forecasting, its emphasis is felt most when companies are seriously contemplating New Product Development (NPD). There are innumerable nuances of the aspects of forecasting used by organizations. One such specific nuance is what this article aims to address.


Advertising Express Magazine, Test Marketing, Strategic Decisions, Product Development, Indian Market Research Bureau, IMRB, Customer Satisfaction Matrix, CSM, Industrial Companies, Mass Market, Media Markets, Fashion Industry, Boston Consulting Group.